Dini McCullough Amozurrutia is a Mexican-American artist, entrepreneur and public interest lawyer raised in Texas and Montgomery County, Maryland. She’s also the founding editor and publisher of the now-defunct Origins Journal.

Her poems, essays, and short stories have appeared in several literary journals, including The Más Tequila Review, Kweli Journal, Bartleby Snopes, The Butter, Literal Magazine and PANK. Her short fiction is anthologized in Abundant Grace (Paycock Press, November 2016), and her story "Amalia on the Border" was a finalist in The Texas Observer's 2013 Short Story Contest. In April 2017, her story "Elsa & Segundo" placed second in the annual Bethesda Magazine Short Story Contest.

She is also the recipient of a 2020 Arts & Humanities COVID-19 Relief Fund grant as well as a 2016 and 2018 Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County Individual Artist Award.